Introduction to Course
Real-time Analytics Databases
What is Apache Druid?
Key Features of Druid
Use Case
When to use Druid
When not to use Druid
List of Company using Apache Druid
Installation of Apache Druid
Start Druid Services
Open Webconsole
Load data
Query data
Overview of the Druid Web Console Part 1
Overview of the Druid Web Console Part 2
Architecture of Druid
Druid Architecture
Druid Servers
Druid Services
Druid Services in Simple terms
External Dependencies
Storage Design
Datasources and Segments
Segment Identifiers
Introduction to Segments
Segment File Structure
Data Loading in Druid
Load Data from Local Files
Load Data from URI
Load Data from Kafka (Prerequisite Introduction to Kafka)
Installing Single Node Kafka Cluster
Change the following to avoid Zookeeper Issue conflict
Load Data from Kafka Part 1
Load Data from Kafka Part 2
Query Data Explain Plan
Aggregate data with rollup
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Druid a data warehouse? When should I use Druid over Redshift/BigQuery
Is Druid log aggregation/log search system? When should I use Druid over Elastic
Is Druid a timeseries database? When should I use Druid
Does Druid separate storage and compute?
How is Druid deployed?
Where does Druid fit in my big data stack?
Is Druid in-memory?
Do clients ever contact the Coordinator process?
Does it matter if Coordinator process starts up before or after other processes?
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