Section 2
Scenario Based Question (File modification based)
How to remove single quotes from data using Pig?
How to compute sum of a field in all the rows from an alias?
What is the difference between GROUP and COGROUP in PIG?
Is there a way to do this? eg, pass the name of the file to be processed, etc?
Is there a way to export the results from Pig directly to a database like mysql?
How do you deal with empty or missing input files in Apache Pig?
Is there any way to store out to a single CSV file?
How can I cast the value, without having to do a FOREACH on all the records?
Scenario Based Question
Section 3
Scenario Based Question (Date)
How to optimize a group by statement in PIG latin?
How to handle spill memory in pig? How to fix it?
How to do Transpose in corresponding few columns in pig?
Find if a string is present inside another string in Pig?
Scenario Based Question (Programming)
Is there any way to store out to a single CSV file in Apache Pig?
Removing duplicates using PigLatin?
How to include external jar file using PIG?
How to reference columns in a FOREACH after a JOIN?
Section 4
How to Load multiple files from a date range (part of the directory structure)?
What are the data types of Pig Latin?
What are the different ways of executing Pig script?
What are the components of Pig Execution Environment?
How Pig programming gets converted into MapReduce jobs?
What is the difference between logical and physical plans?
How can I pass a parameter with space to a pig script?
How can I calculate a percentage (partial aggregate / total aggregate)?
How do I find out where the data comes from?
Is there a way to check if a map is empty?
Section 5
Does Pig allow grouping on expressions?
Is there a way for me to figure out how many rows exist in a dataset from alias?
Is there any difference between `==` and `eq` for numeric comparisons?
How do I prevent failure if some records don't have the needed number of columns
Does Pig support regular expressions?
Can I do a numerical comparison while filtering?
How do I make my Pig jobs run on a specified number of reducers?
What is the difference between Store and dump commands?
How to debug a pig script?
What is BloomMapFile used for?
Section 6
What are the limitations of the Pig?
What is the difference between GROUP and COGROUP operators in Pig?
Give some list of relational operators used in Pig?
Can we process vast amount of data in local mode? Why?
Explain about the different complex data types in Pig?
How do I control the number of mappers?
How can I load data using Unicode control characters as delimiters?
Scenario Based Question (Jars)
What is Pig?
Differentiate between the logical and physical plan of an Apache Pig script?
Section 7
What do you understand by an inner bag and outer bag in Pig?
Explain the difference between COUNT_STAR and COUNT functions in Apache Pig?
Explain about the scalar datatypes in Apache Pig.
Is it possible to join multiple fields in pig scripts?
What are the different String functions available in pig?
While writing evaluate UDF, which method has to be overridden?
Write a word count program in pig?
What is a skewed join?
How can I pass a specific hadoop configuration parameter to Pig?
What is the difference between Pig Latin and HiveQL ?
Section 8
Does Pig support multi-line commands?
What is the function of UNION and SPLIT operators? Give examples.
How to load files with different delimiter each time in piglatin?
How to count a number of rows in alias
Is it possible to pivot a table in one pass in Apache Pig?
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