Apache ZooKeeper Interview Questions and Answers

Apache ZooKeeper is a software project of the Apache Software Foundation. It is essentially a distributed hierarchical key-value store, which is used to provide a distributed configuration service, synchronization service, and naming registry for large distributed systems.

1)What Is Zookeper??

Answer)ZooKeeper is a distributed co-ordination service to manage large set of hosts. Co-ordinating and managing a service in a distributed environment is a complicated process. ZooKeeper solves this issue with its simple architecture and API. ZooKeeper allows developers to focus on core application logic without worrying about the distributed nature of the application.

The ZooKeeper framework was originally built at “Yahoo!” for accessing their applications in an easy and robust manner. Later, Apache ZooKeeper became a standard for organized service used by Hadoop, HBase, and other distributed frameworks

2)What Are The Benefits Of Distributed Applications?

Answer)Reliability:Failure of a single or a few systems does not make the whole system to fail.

Scalability : Performance can be increased as and when needed by adding more machines with minor change in the configuration of the application with no downtime.

Transparency: Hides the complexity of the system and shows itself as a single entity / application.

3)What Are The Benefits Of Zookeeper?

Answer)Here are the benefits of using ZooKeeper:

Simple distributed coordination process

Synchronization:Mutual exclusion and co-operation between server processes. This process helps in Apache HBase for configuration management.

Ordered Messages

Serialization :Encode the data according to specific rules. Ensure your application runs consistently. This approach can be used in MapReduce to coordinate queue to execute running threads.


Atomicity:Data transfer either succeed or fail completely, but no transaction is partial.

4)Explain The Types Of Znodes?

Answer)Znodes are categorized as persistence, sequential, and ephemeral.

Persistence znode - Persistence znode is alive even after the client, which created that particular znode, is disconnected. By default, all znodes are persistent unless otherwise specified.

Ephemeral znode - Ephemeral znodes are active until the client is alive. When a client gets disconnected from the ZooKeeper ensemble, then the ephemeral znodes get deleted automatically. For this reason, only ephemeral znodes are not allowed to have a children further. If an ephemeral znode is deleted, then the next suitable node will fill its position. Ephemeral znodes play an important role in Leader election.

Sequential znode - Sequential znodes can be either persistent or ephemeral. When a new znode is created as a sequential znode, then ZooKeeper sets the path of the znode by attaching a 10 digit sequence number to the original name. For example, if a znode with path /myapp is created as a sequential znode, ZooKeeper will change the path to /myapp0000000001 and set the next sequence number as 0000000002. If two sequential znodes are created concurrently, then ZooKeeper never uses the same number for each znode. Sequential znodes play an important role in Locking and Synchronization.

5)Explain The Zookeeper Workflow?

Answer)Once a ZooKeeper ensemble starts, it will wait for the clients to connect. Clients will connect to one of the nodes in the ZooKeeper ensemble. It may be a leader or a follower node. Once a client is connected, the node assigns a session ID to the particular client and sends an acknowledgement to the client. If the client does not get an acknowledgment, it simply tries to connect another node in the ZooKeeper ensemble. Once connected to a node, the client will send heartbeats to the node in a regular interval to make sure that the connection is not lost.

If a client wants to read a particular znode, it sends a read request to the node with the znode path and the node returns the requested znode by getting it from its own database. For this reason, reads are fast in ZooKeeper ensemble.

If a client wants to store data in the ZooKeeper ensemble, it sends the znode path and the data to the server. The connected server will forward the request to the leader and then the leader will reissue the writing request to all the followers. If only a majority of the nodes respond successfully, then the write request will succeed and a successful return code will be sent to the client. Otherwise, the write request will fail. The strict majority of nodes is called as Quorum.

6)Explain The Cli In Zookeeper?

Answer)ZooKeeper Command Line Interface (CLI) is used to interact with the ZooKeeper ensemble for development purpose. It is useful for debugging and working around with different options. To perform ZooKeeper CLI operations, first turn on your ZooKeeper server (“bin/zkServer.sh start”) and then, ZooKeeper client (bin/zkCli.sh).

Once the client starts, you can perform the following operation:

Create znodes

Get data

Watch znode for changes

Set data

Create children of a znode

List children of a znode

Check Status

Remove or Delete a znode

7)How Can We Create Znodes?

Answer)Create a znode with the given path. The flag argument specifies whether the created znode will be ephemeral, persistent, or sequential. By default, all znodes are persistent.

Ephemeral znodes (flag: e) will be automatically deleted when a session expires or when the client disconnects.

Sequential znodes guaranty that the znode path will be unique.

ZooKeeper ensemble will add sequence number along with 10 digit padding to the znode path. For example, the znode path /myapp will be converted to /myapp0000000001 and the next sequence number will be /myapp0000000002.

If no flags are specified, then the znode is considered as persistent.

create /path /data

To create a Sequential znode, add -s flag as shown below.

create -s /path /data

To create an Ephemeral Znode, add -e flag as shown below.

create -e /path /data

8)How Can We Create Children / Sub-znode?

Answer)Creating children is similar to creating new znodes. The only difference is that the path of the child znode will have the parent path as well.

create /parent/path/subnode/path /data

9)How Can We Remove A Znode?

Answer)Removes a specified znode and recursively all its children. This would happen only if such a znode is available.

rmr /path

10)What Are The Basics Of Zookeeper Api?

Answer)Application interacting with ZooKeeper ensemble is referred as ZooKeeper Client or simply Client. Znode is the core component of ZooKeeper ensemble and ZooKeeper API provides a small set of methods to manipulate all the details of znode with ZooKeeper ensemble. A client should follow the steps given below to have a clear and clean interaction with ZooKeeper ensemble.

Connect to the ZooKeeper ensemble. ZooKeeper ensemble assign a Session ID for the client.

Send heartbeats to the server periodically. Otherwise, the ZooKeeper ensemble expires the Session ID and the client needs to reconnect.

Get / Set the znodes as long as a session ID is active.

Disconnect from the ZooKeeper ensemble, once all the tasks are completed. If the client is inactive for a prolonged time, then the ZooKeeper ensemble will automatically disconnect the client.

11)Explain The Methods Of Zookeeperclass?

Answer)The central part of the ZooKeeper API is ZooKeeper class. It provides options to connect the ZooKeeper ensemble in its constructor and has the following methods -

connect - connect to the ZooKeeper ensemble

ZooKeeper(String connectionString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher)

create - create a znode

create(String path, byte[] data, List acl, CreateMode createMode)

exists - check whether a znode exists and its information

exists(String path, boolean watcher)

getData - get data from a particular znode

getData(String path, Watcher watcher, Stat stat)

setData - set data in a particular znode

setData(String path, byte[] data, int version)

getChildren - get all sub-nodes available in a particular znode

getChildren(String path, Watcher watcher)

delete - get a particular znode and all its children

delete(String path, int version)

close - close a connection

12)Mention Some Instances Where Zookeeper Is Using?

Answer)Below are some of instances where Apache ZooKeeper is being utilized:

Apache Storm, being a real time stateless processing/computing framework, manages its state in ZooKeeper Service

Apache Kafka uses it for choosing leader node for the topic partitions

Apache YARN relies on it for the automatic failover of resource manager (master node)

Yahoo! utilties it as the coordination and failure recovery service for Yahoo! Message Broker, which is a highly scalable publish-subscribe system managing thousands of topics for replication and data delivery. It is used by the Fetching Service for Yahoo! crawler, where it also manages failure recovery.

13)Can Apache Kafka be used without Zookeeper?

Answer)It is not possible to use Apache Kafka without Zookeeper because if the Zookeeper is down Kafka cannot serve client request.

14)What is the role of Zookeeper in HBase architecture?

Answer)In HBase architecture, ZooKeeper is the monitoring server that provides different services like –tracking server failure and network partitions, maintaining the configuration information, establishing communication between the clients and region servers, usability of ephemeral nodes to identify the available servers in the cluster.

15)Explain about ZooKeeper in Kafka

Answer)Apache Kafka uses ZooKeeper to be a highly distributed and scalable system. Zookeeper is used by Kafka to store various configurations and use them across the hadoop cluster in a distributed manner. To achieve distributed-ness, configurations are distributed and replicated throughout the leader and follower nodes in the ZooKeeper ensemble. We cannot directly connect to Kafka by bye-passing ZooKeeper because if the ZooKeeper is down it will not be able to serve the client request.

16)Explain how Zookeeper works

Answer)ZooKeeper is referred to as the King of Coordination and distributed applications use ZooKeeper to store and facilitate important configuration information updates. ZooKeeper works by coordinating the processes of distributed applications. ZooKeeper is a robust replicated synchronization service with eventual consistency. A set of nodes is known as an ensemble and persisted data is distributed between multiple nodes.

3 or more independent servers collectively form a ZooKeeper cluster and elect a master. One client connects to any of the specific server and migrates if a particular node fails. The ensemble of ZooKeeper nodes is alive till the majority of nods are working. The master node in ZooKeeper is dynamically selected by the consensus within the ensemble so if the master node fails then the role of master node will migrate to another node which is selected dynamically. Writes are linear and reads are concurrent in ZooKeeper.

17)List some examples of Zookeeper use cases.

Answer)Found by Elastic uses Zookeeper comprehensively for resource allocation, leader election, high priority notifications and discovery. The entire service of Found built up of various systems that read and write to Zookeeper.

Apache Kafka that depends on ZooKeeper is used by LinkedIn

Storm that relies on ZooKeeper is used by popular companies like Groupon and Twitter.

18)How to use Apache Zookeeper command line interface?

Answer)ZooKeeper has a command line client support for interactive use. The command line interface of ZooKeeper is similar to the file and shell system of UNIX. Data in ZooKeeper is stored in a hierarchy of Znodes where each znode can contain data just similar to a file. Each znode can also have children just like directories in the UNIX file system.

Zookeeper-client command is used to launch the command line client. If the initial prompt is hidden by the log messages after entering the command, users can just hit ENTER to view the prompt.

19)What are the different types of Znodes?

Answer)There are 2 types of Znodes namely- Ephemeral and Sequential Znodes.

The Znodes that get destroyed as soon as the client that created it disconnects are referred to as Ephemeral Znodes.

Sequential Znode is the one in which sequential number is chosen by the ZooKeeper ensemble and is pre-fixed when the client assigns name to the znode.

20)What are watches?

Answer)Client disconnection might be troublesome problem especially when we need to keep a track on the state of Znodes at regular intervals. ZooKeeper has an event system referred to as watch which can be set on Znode to trigger an event whenever it is removed, altered or any new children are created below it.

21)What problems can be addressed by using Zookeeper?

Answer)In the development of distributed systems, creating own protocols for coordinating the hadoop cluster results in failure and frustration for the developers. The architecture of a distributed system can be prone to deadlocks, inconsistency and race conditions. This leads to various difficulties in making the hadoop cluster fast, reliable and scalable. To address all such problems, Apache ZooKeeper can be used as a coordination service to write correct distributed applications without having to reinvent the wheel from the beginning.

22)How should I handle the CONNECTION_LOSS error?

Answer)CONNECTION_LOSS means the link between the client and server was broken. It doesn't necessarily mean that the request failed. If you are doing a create request and the link was broken after the request reached the server and before the response was returned, the create request will succeed. If the link was broken before the packet went onto the wire, the create request failed. Unfortunately, there is no way for the client library to know, so it returns CONNECTION_LOSS. The programmer must figure out if the request succeeded or needs to be retried. Usually this is done in an application specific way. Examples of success detection include checking for the presence of a file to be created or checking the value of a znode to be modified.

When a client (session) becomes partitioned from the ZK serving cluster it will begin searching the list of servers that were specified during session creation. Eventually, when connectivity between the client and at least one of the servers is re-established, the session will either again transition to the connected state (if reconnected within the session timeout value) or it will transition to the expired state (if reconnected after the session timeout). The ZK client library will handle reconnect for you automatically. In particular we have heuristics built into the client library to handle things like herd effect, etc. Only create a new session when you are notified of session expiration (mandatory).

23)How should I handle SESSION_EXPIRED?

Answer)SESSION_EXPIRED automatically closes the ZooKeeper handle. In a correctly operating cluster, you should never see SESSION_EXPIRED. It means that the client was partitioned off from the ZooKeeper service for more the the session timeout and ZooKeeper decided that the client died. Because the ZooKeeper service is ground truth, the client should consider itself dead and go into recovery. If the client is only reading state from ZooKeeper, recovery means just reconnecting. In more complex applications, recovery means recreating ephemeral nodes, vying for leadership roles, and reconstructing published state.

Library writers should be conscious of the severity of the expired state and not try to recover from it. Instead libraries should return a fatal error. Even if the library is simply reading from ZooKeeper, the user of the library may also be doing other things with ZooKeeper that requires more complex recovery.

Session expiration is managed by the ZooKeeper cluster itself, not by the client. When the ZK client establishes a session with the cluster it provides a timeout value. This value is used by the cluster to determine when the client's session expires. Expirations happens when the cluster does not hear from the client within the specified session timeout period (i.e. no heartbeat). At session expiration the cluster will delete any/all ephemeral nodes owned by that session and immediately notify any/all connected clients of the change (anyone watching those znodes). At this point the client of the expired session is still disconnected from the cluster, it will not be notified of the session expiration until/unless it is able to re-establish a connection to the cluster. The client will stay in disconnected state until the TCP connection is re-established with the cluster, at which point the watcher of the expired session will receive the session expired notification.

24)Is there an easy way to expire a session for testing?

Answer)Yes, a ZooKeeper handle can take a session id and password. This constructor is used to recover a session after total application failure. For example, an application can connect to ZooKeeper, save the session id and password to a file, terminate, restart, read the session id and password, and reconnect to ZooKeeper without loosing the session and the corresponding ephemeral nodes. It is up to the programmer to ensure that the session id and password isn't passed around to multiple instances of an application, otherwise problems can result.

In the case of testing we want to cause a problem, so to explicitly expire a session an application connects to ZooKeeper, saves the session id and password, creates another ZooKeeper handle with that id and password, and then closes the new handle. Since both handles reference the same session, the close on second handle will invalidate the session causing a SESSION_EXPIRED on the first handle.

25)Why doesn't the NodeChildrenChanged and NodeDataChanged watch events return more information about the change?

Answer)When a ZooKeeper server generates the change events, it knows exactly what the change is. In our initial implementation of ZooKeeper we returned this information with the change event, but it turned out that it was impossible to use correctly. There may be a correct way to use it, but we have never seen a case of correct usage. The problem is that watches are used to find out about the latest change. (Otherwise, you would just do periodic gets.) The thing that most programmers seem to miss, when they ask for this feature, is that watches are one time triggers. Observe the following case of data change: a process does a getData on /a with watch set to true and gets v1, another process changes /a to v2 and shortly there after changes /a to v3. The first process would see that /a was changed to v2, but wouldn't know that /a is now /v3.

26)What are the options-process for upgrading ZooKeeper?

Answer)There are two primary ways of doing this; 1) full restart or 2) rolling restart.

In the full restart case you can stage your updated code/configuration/etc., stop all of the servers in the ensemble, switch code/configuration, and restart the ZooKeeper ensemble. If you do this programmatically (scripts typically, ie not by hand) the restart can be done on order of seconds. As a result the clients will lose connectivity to the ZooKeeper cluster during this time, however it looks to the clients just like a network partition. All existing client sessions are maintained and re-established as soon as the ZooKeeper ensemble comes back up. Obviously one drawback to this approach is that if you encounter any issues (it's always a good idea to test or stage these changes on a test harness) the cluster may be down for longer than expected.

The second option, preferable for many users, is to do a rolling restart. In this case you upgrade one server in the ZooKeeper ensemble at a time; bring down the server, upgrade the code/configuration/etc., then restart the server. The server will automatically rejoin the quorum, update it's internal state with the current ZK leader, and begin serving client sessions. As a result of doing a rolling restart, rather than a full restart, the administrator can monitor the ensemble as the upgrade progresses, perhaps rolling back if any issues are encountered.

27)What happens to ZK sessions while the cluster is down?

Answer)Imagine that a client is connected to ZK with a 5 second session timeout, and the administrator brings the entire ZK cluster down for an upgrade. The cluster is down for several minutes, and then is restarted.

In this scenario, the client is able to reconnect and refresh its session. Because session timeouts are tracked by the leader, the session starts counting down again with a fresh timeout when the cluster is restarted. So, as long as the client connects within the first 5 seconds after a leader is elected, it will reconnect without an expiration, and any ephemeral nodes it had prior to the downtime will be maintained.

The same behavior is exhibited when the leader crashes and a new one is elected. In the limit, if the leader is flip-flopping back and forth quickly, sessions will never expire since their timers are getting constantly reset.